In a seemingly shrinking globalized world intercultural relationships gain in meaning in private life as well as in the job. Based on different cultural background misunderstandings easily evolve that could lead to conflicts. If these conflicts should end up in court they often result in the end of relationships. Not in case of a mediation. In a mediation all parties strive to reach a common solution for their conflict. If the mediation is successful the conflict parties leave with a strengthened relationship and nothing stands in the way into a common future.



At least since the son of wool weaver from Genoa started in Spain to find the westward way to China and India and discovered America by accident during his journey the networking and exchange of information, goods, services and people around the globe have steadily increased.  The invention of modern means of transportation resulted in the covering of long distances in very short time, and information travels on the internet in split seconds around the world. These possibilities have caused new markets and flows of goods. Companies working in import and export are increasingly confronted with business partners from an entirely different cultural background who have a different set of cultural values and standards of conduct. At the same time, work in more and more sectors has become unthinkable without skilled workers who have a migration background, because without them many positions could not be staffed any more.


Walking through a labyrinth filled with unexpected traps:

If an entrepreneur is not accustomed to the culture of his counterpart his way is full of lurking traps. Depending on his culture of origin his business partner or employee might cultivate strict hierarchies with high power distances or flat hierarchies where the power distances are nearly invisible. In Europe individualism is a precious good, especially in creative jobs. But the business partner might come from a culture where community is at the centre of all action. The willingness to take risks may be, not only individually but culturally based, high or low. Some counterparts may demand long term planning of each action, others are spontaneous. And in cultures where the keeping of the face is a precious value avoid to criticize directly.


From the misunderstanding to the conflict:

Different cultural impressions may easily cause unintentional misunderstandings that might lead to conflicts. If these conflicts are not solved and the business partner is not understood the business relationship is damaged. A long-term successful business partnership requires understanding.   


With my extensive experience in foreign countries and my sound intercultural competence I would love to assist you in a mediation.

Make an appointment for a first free preliminary, now to get to know each other and figure out, if a mediation is a useful option in your case under the phone number 0049 – 511 – 56 96 41 98